The LBMF, together with Prof. Elke Viehweger and Dr. João Campagnolo from Hospital D. Estefânea, participated in the 2nd Portuguese Pediatric Orthopedics Congress with a workshop entitled: "Gait analysis and its clinical use".
The first 2014 PhD Seminars in Biomechanics are scheduled for January and February. Click here for more informations.
RTP2 - Programa Sociedade Civil: "Alimentação Sénior e Saúde Geriátrica". From minute 57' to 61'. Produced by Companhia das Ideias and presented by Eduarda Maio. Jun, 7, 2013.
Our team member, Ricardo Matias, was one of the "2014 Travel Award Winners" from the OpenSim call for proposals for the next year with the Pilot Project entitled "Reliable classification of shoulder dysfunction based on an accurate model of shoulder kinematics combined with standard motion-capture data".
On the night of September 27, the Pavilion of Knowledge - Ciência Viva presented a vision of the "Future 2020". The BFML was present with several demonstrations.
Level 1 Certification Course - International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK 1309FV), 4-6 September 2013, LBMF, Faculty of Human Kinetics, Lisbon, Portugal
The BFML participated in the European Researcher's Night - 2012
On February 28th, 2012, the European Year of Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations, the most recent publication of the Laboratory of Biomechanics and Functional Morphology of FMH, "Guia para um envelhecimento mais activo: para viver ainda melhor" ("Guide to active aging: to live even better") was presented to the public.
The Summer School in Mobility and Active Ageing aims to train professionals to design, develop, and implement support, or health and functional independence promotion solutions for persons with reduced mobility or at risk of mobility reduction, when carrying out their daily activities. More information: