
  • Luis, A. L., Rodrigues, J. M., Amado, S., Veloso, A. P., Armada-Da-Silva, P. A., Raimondo, S., Fregnan, F., Ferreira, A. J., Lopes, M. A., Santos, J. D., Geuna, S., Varejao, A. S., and Mauricio, A. C. (2007). PLGA 90/10 and caprolactone biodegradable nerve guides for the reconstruction of the rat sciatic nerve. Microsurgery 27(2): 125-37.


  • Luis, A. L., Rodrigues, J. M., Lobato, J. V., Lopes, M. A., Amado, S., Veloso, A. P., Armada-da-Silva, P. A., Raimondo, S., Geuna, S., Ferreira, A. J., Varejao, A. S., Santos, J. D., and Mauricio, A. C. (2007). Evaluation of two biodegradable nerve guides for the reconstruction of the rat sciatic nerve. Biomed Mater Eng, 17(1): 39-52.


  • Luís, A.L., Rodrigues, J.M., Geuna, S., Amado, S., Shirosaki, Y., Lee, J.M., Fregnan, F., Lopes, M.A., Veloso, A.P., Ferreira, A.J., Santos, J.D., Armada-Da-Silva, P.A.S., Varejão, A.S.P., & Maurício, A.C. (2008). Use of PLGA 90:10 Scaffolds Enriched with in Vitro-Differentiated Neural Cells for Repairing Rat Sciatic Nerve Defects. Tissue Engineering, 14(6): 979-993.


  • Luís, A.L., Rodrigues, J.M., Geuna, S., Amado, S., Simões, M.J., Fregnan, F., Ferreira, A.J., Veloso, A.P., Armada-Da-Silva, P.A.S., Varejão, A.S.P., & Maurício, A.C. (2008). Neural Cell Transplantation Effects On Sciatic Nerve Regeneration After A Standardized Crush Injury In The Rat. Microsurgery, 28(6): 458-470.


  • Machado M, Moniz-Pereira V, Carnide F, André H, Ramalho F, Veloso A (2011). Guia Para Um Envelhecimento Mais Ativo – Para Viver Ainda Melhor. Lisboa. Laboratório de Biomecânica e Morfologia Funcional, FMH-UTL, ISBN:978-989-97566-0-1


  • Machado M, Tavares C, Moniz-Pereira V, André H, Ramalho F, Veloso AP, Carnide F. Validation of YPAS-PT – The Yale Physical Activity Survey for Portuguese Older People. Science Journal of Public Health. 2016; 4(1): 72-80.


  • Machado, M, Carnide, F, Moniz-Pereira, V, André, H, Ramalho, F, Santos-Rocha, R & Veloso, A (2012). Functional Fitness Protects the Elderly From Fear of Falling. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity. Volume 20, S147.


  • Machado, M, Moniz-Pereira, V, Carnide, F, André, H, Ramalho, F & Veloso, A (2012). Guia Para Um Envelhecimento + Ativo: A Step-by-Step Brochure to Promote Active Aging. The Gerontologist. Volume 52:S1, 375 doi: 10.1093/GERONT/GNS200


  • Machado, M (2010) Active Voice: Physical Activity and Functional Fitness in the Older Adults. Aports Medicine Bulletin (Active Voice is a periodic column by ACSM experts in science, medicine and allied health).


  • Machado, M., Carnide, F., Moniz-Pereira, V., Andre, H., & Veloso, A. (2010). The role of physical activity and functional fitness on perceived health in aging. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 42(5): 49-50.

