
  • Santos-Rocha, R., Catela, D., Brito, J., Pimenta, N. (Editores). (2015). Atividade Física e Populações Especiais – Volume I – População Infantil | Grávidas. ESDRM-IPS / QREN-InAlentejo. Rio Maior: Edições ESDRM. ISBN 978-989-8768-03-2



  • Santos-Rocha, R., Machado, M. L., Veloso, A. (2009) Step-Exercise may be included in bone health promotion programs. Woman in Sport and Physical Activity Journal. 18:1.


  • Santos-Rocha, R., Rieger, T. & Jimenez, A. (eds.) (2015). EUROPE ACTIVE’s Essentials of Fitness Instruction. EUROPE ACTIVE. Human Kinetics. ISBN Print: ISBN 978-1-4504-2379-3. E-book: ISBN 978-1-4925-0591-4. Also available as: 9781450423793, 9781492505914


  • Santos-Rocha, R., Veloso, A., & Machado, M.L. (2009) Analisys of Ground Reaction Forces in Step Exercise Depending on Step-Pattern and Stepping-Rate. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 23(1): 209-224.


  • Santos-Rocha, R., Veloso, A.P., Valamatos, M. J., Machado, M. L., André, H. I. (2009). Analysis of Kinematics of the Lower Limb During Step Exercise. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 109(3): 851-869.


  • Seth A, Matias R, Veloso AP, Delp SL (2016). A Biomechanical Model of the Scapulothoracic Joint to Accurately Capture Scapular Kinematics during Shoulder Movements. PLoS One. 11(1):e0141028. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0141028.


  • Seth, A., Matias, R., Veloso, AP., Delp, S. (2015). A Biomechanical Model of the Scapulothoracic Joint to Accurately Capture Scapular Kinematics during Shoulder Movements. Plos one. ( :doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0141028&representation=PDF) (IF:3.234)


  • Silva DAS, Benedetti TRB, Ferrari AP, Meurer ST, Antes DL, Silva AM, Santos DA, Matias CN, Sardinha LB, Vieira F, Petroski EL (2012). Anthropometric profiles of elite older triathletes in the Ironman Brazil compared with those of young Portuguese triathletes and older Brazilians. J Sports Sci., 30(5), 479-484. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2011.647046


  • Silva M-R G, Santos-Rocha R, Barata P, Saavedra F (2017) Gender inequalities in Portuguese gymnasts between 2012 and 2016. Science of Gymnastics Journal, Jun 9(2): 191-200.


  • Silva, A. M., P. B. Judice, C. N. Matias, D. A. Santos, J. P. Magalhaes, M. P. St-Onge, E. M. Goncalves, P. Armada-da-Silva and L. B. Sardinha (2013). Total body water and its compartments are not affected by ingesting a moderate dose of caffeine in healthy young adult malesAppl Physiol Nutr Metab 38(6): 626-632.

