André HI, Carnide F, Moço A, Valamatos MJ, Ramalho F, Santos-Rocha R, Veloso A. (2018) Can the calf-raise senior test predict functional fitness in elderly people? A validation study using electromyography, kinematics and strength tests. Phys Ther Sport. 32:252-259. doi:10.1016/j.ptsp.2018.05.012.
Andrade RJ, Freitas SR, Hug F, Le Sant G, Lacourpaille L, Gross R, McNair P, Nordez A. (2018) The potential role of sciatic nerve stiffness in the limitation of maximal ankle range of motion. Sci Rep. 8(1):14532. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-32873-6.
Alvarenga BAP, Fujikawa R, João F, Lara JPR, Veloso AP. (2018) The effects of a single session of lumbar spinal manipulative therapy in terms of physical performance test symmetry in asymptomatic athletes: a single-blinded, randomised controlled study. BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med. 8;4(1):e000389. doi:10.1136/bmjsem-2018-000389.
No próximo dia 11 de abril, a Faculdade de Motricidade Humana abre as portas aos alunos do ensino secundário para lhes dar a conhecer a sua oferta formativa e o Laboratório de Biomecânica e Morfologia Funcional aproveita a iniciativa para celebrar também, pela segunda vez, o Dia Nacional da Biomecânica.
The LBMF received 70 undergraduated students on the FMH OpenDay, on the 21st February 2018.
Santos-Rocha, R (2018). Gravidez Ativa - Atividade Física e Saúde na Gravidez e Pós-Parto, 2.ª edição [Active Pregnancy – Physical Activity and Health in Pregnancy and Postpartum, 2nd ed.; Portuguese]. CIPER-FMH-UTL / ESDRM-IPS / FCT. Rio Maior: Edições ESDRM. ISBN: 978-989-8768-16-2 [in press]
The Summer School in Mobility and Active Ageing aims to train professionals to design, develop, and implement support, or health and functional independence promotion solutions for persons with reduced mobility or at risk of mobility reduction, when carrying out their daily activities. More information: