National Biomechanics Day 2017
In the Biomechanics and Functional Morphology Laboratory – Faculty of Human Kinetics – University of Lisbon, we celebrated the NBD 2017 on April 27
In the Biomechanics and Functional Morphology Laboratory – Faculty of Human Kinetics – University of Lisbon, we celebrated the NBD 2017 on April 27. We welcomed 108 participants in our facilities. During the activities, different biomechanics applications were explained, with an especial emphasis on exercise and sport sciences questions. These applications were then demonstrated in our laboratories. In the movement laboratory, the participants’ motion and forces were demonstrated in real time, using optoelectronic cameras and forces plates, while they tried different movements. In the strength-testing laboratory, the participants were invited to assess their maximal force and their rate of force development in a Leg Press Machine with an integrated force plate, as well as their vertical jump ability using a contact mat system.
The Biomechanics and Functional Laboratory team is thankful to all participants! We had great fun!