H2020 ALHTOUR - Assisted living technologies for the health tourism sector
- Starting date: 2016-01-01
- Duration: 36 months
- Principal Investigator from FMH: Maria Filomena Araújo da Costa Cruz Carnide
This Project aims to strengthen and stimulate scientific excellence intechnologies for independent living and innovation capacity and technology/knowledgetransfer capacity, both in the University of Lisbon, in collaboration of the European consortium: University of Leuven (Belgium), University of Maastricht (Netherland) andUniversity of Macerata (Italy) with a specific focus on health tourism. It is expected to enhance the capacity to promote innovation and growth of the partners' respective territories in the Smart Specialization field tackled by the Project. The main field’s research objects of transfer are: Energy efficient buildings/housing; Independent living and built environments in the tourism health sector; improving care through assistive technologies and ICT; Legal issues and ethical framework, as transversal pillar.
ref Twinning-692311