The first 2014 PhD Seminars in Biomechanics are scheduled for January and February. Click here for more informations.


The ISAK World conference will be held between 10th to 12th of July 2014 in the Universidad Católica San antonio de Murcia (UCAM), Murcia, Spain. 


RTP2 - Programa Sociedade Civil: "Alimentação Sénior e Saúde Geriátrica". From minute 57' to 61'. Produced by Companhia das Ideias and presented by Eduarda Maio. Jun, 7, 2013.


Machado, M.L., Santos-Rocha, R., Veloso, A. (2007) Analysis of ground reaction forces in Step exercise depending on choreography and stepping rate. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. vol.39, n.5, S307.


Moreira, M.H., Castro, R.V., Freitas, J.M., Gabriel, R.E., Monteiro, M.A., Machado, M.L. (2008) Functional fitness, obesity and sarcopenia in postmenopausal women. Climateric, 11:2,120.


Machado, M., Santos-Rocha, R., Marreiros, R. (2009) Prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders in Step instructors. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 41:5, S399.


Santos-Rocha, R., Machado, M. L., Veloso, A. (2009) Step-Exercise may be included in bone health promotion programs. Woman in Sport and Physical Activity Journal. 18:1.


Moniz-Pereira, V., André, H., Machado, M., Carnide, F., Melo, P., Veloso, A. (2010) Avaliação do risco de queda na população idosa portuguesa. Arquivos de Medicina, 24(5):222.


Machado, M., Carnide, F., Moniz-Pereira, V., André, H., Valente, S., Veloso, A. (2010) Envelhecimento Activo: a importância da actividade física e da funcionalidade na percepção de saúde. Arquivos de Medicina, 24(5):221.


Machado, M (2010) Active Voice: Physical Activity and Functional Fitness in the Older Adults. Aports Medicine Bulletin (Active Voice is a periodic column by ACSM experts in science, medicine and allied health).

