André, H, Moniz-Pereira, V, Machado, M, Carnide, F, Veloso, A, Baptista, F (2011) Objective and Subjective assessment of Physical Activity patterns and Fall Prevalence in the Elderly. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise Vol 43:5, S 49.


Machado M, Moniz-Pereira V, Carnide F, André H, Ramalho F, Veloso A (2011). Guia Para Um Envelhecimento Mais Ativo – Para Viver Ainda Melhor. Lisboa. Laboratório de Biomecânica e Morfologia Funcional, FMH-UTL, ISBN:978-989-97566-0-1


André, H, Ramalho, F, Moniz-Pereira, V, Machado, M, Carnide, F, Santos-Rocha, R & Veloso, A (2012) Can Functional Fitness and Balance Battery Test Discriminate Fallers in a Group of Active Elderly? Journal of Aging and Physical Activity. Volume 20, S143-144.


Moniz-Pereira, V, Carnide, F, Machado, M, André, H & Veloso, A (2012) Biomechanics of Locomotion in the Elderly Project: Procedures and Determinant Factors for Falls in Portuguese Older People. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity. Volume 20, S140.


Machado, M, Carnide, F, Moniz-Pereira, V, André, H, Ramalho, F, Santos-Rocha, R & Veloso, A (2012). Functional Fitness Protects the Elderly From Fear of Falling. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity. Volume 20, S147.


Machado, M, Moniz-Pereira, V, Carnide, F, André, H, Ramalho, F & Veloso, A (2012). Guia Para Um Envelhecimento + Ativo: A Step-by-Step Brochure to Promote Active Aging. The Gerontologist. Volume 52:S1, 375 doi: 10.1093/GERONT/GNS200


Moniz-Pereira V; Carnide F; Ramalho F, André H, Machado, M; Santos-Rocha R & Veloso AP (2013). Using a multifactorial approach to determine fall risk profiles in portuguese older adults. Acta Reumatológica Portuguesa. 38(4):263-272.


Crisóstomo RS, Candeias MS, Ribeiro AM, Martins CD, Armada-da-Silva PA. (2013) Manual lymphatic drainage in chronic venous disease: A duplex ultrasound study. Phlebology. doi:


The 10th Conference of the International Shoulder Group will be held between 13th to 15th of July 2014 in the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. 


Sancho, F., Pascoal, A.G. & Mota, P. (2012). An ultrasound study on the effect of exercise on postpartum women inter-rectus abdominis distance. Journal of Biomechanics 45(1): S93. doi:

